AstraZeneca today announced the successful completion of the acquisition of Amolyt Pharma, a clinical-stage biotechnology company focused on developing novel treatments for rare endocrine diseases.
Throughout the last decade, researchers have made great progress studying how the proximity, or physical closeness, of proteins inside a cell influences processes like transcription, signalling and protein folding.
US FDA approval based on NEURO-TTRansform Phase III results showing Wainua demonstrated consistent and sustained benefit improving neuropathy impairment and quality of life. Additional regulatory reviews underway in rest of world.
Translational science is the process of translating research discovery into actionable insights in the clinic, while leveraging clinical data for further discovery to benefit patients.
Clinical research is key to unlocking new medicines with potential to transform outcomes across many diseases. However, this process has potential to generate up to 100 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions per year – similar to the yearly emissions of a country the size of Belgium.
Data demonstrated effective control of intravascular and extravascular haemolysis through 48 weeks. Results showed increase in mean haemoglobin levels were maintained through 48 weeks.